Product Name: Ethanol 信什 費體 &明為nbsp; &nb工短sp; 老子 &雜頻nbsp; &n妹土bsp; &nbs黃放p; &n那海bsp; CAS No.:64-17-5
Chemical Formula: C2H6O &nbs話這p;  不畫; &nb章吧sp;  對姐; 費購  爸科; &n還為bsp; &nbs快吃p; &nb車著sp;  她工; &nbs分但p;Molecular Weight:46.07
Melting Point: -114 °C &nbs自爸p; &nbs村行p; &nb內算sp;  是電;  小頻; &nbs話森p; 紙關 &n弟鐘bsp; &錯木nbsp; &nbs筆的p; B商舞oiling Point.:78°C
EINECS No.: 200-578-6
&n舊兒bsp; &nb風農sp; &n音友bsp; &nb化人sp; 站能 &分影nbsp; 學文  術明;  習廠; &n用事bsp; &nb訊看sp; 聽人
Product use
Disinfectants of diff理化erent concentrations:
Alcohol above 99.5% (volume員為 fraction) is called anhydrou是說s alcohol. Application in biology: 學中pigment in chloroplast can be 兒錯dissolved in organic solvent a我體bsolute ethanol (or aceton制離e), so absolute ethanol can be日作 used to extract pigment in chlorop討路last. 95% alcohol is us她歌ed to wipe the UV lam習章p. This kind of alco能農hol is commonly used in hospi微我tals, but only for clean兵的ing camera lens in families.&nbs東車p; 70% - 75% alcohol司樹 is used for disinfection. This is影志 because too much alco可黃hol will form a protective fi照她lm on the surface of bacteria to pr舊哥event it from entering the body of技志 bacteria, and it is difficult化唱 to kill bacteria completely. If the al女事cohol concentration is too lo紙白w, it can enter the 在站bacteria, but it can't coagul弟路ate the protein in th器白e body, and it can't雜些 kill the bacteria completely. Amo車空ng them, 75% alcohol had th輛日e best disinfection eff機開ect. 40% - 50% al媽鐵cohol can prevent bedsore. The back,又也 waist and buttocks of long-term bedrid市店den patients can cause bedsore due to l問站ong-term pressure. Fo章嗎r example, when massaging, pour 哥笑a little 40% - 50% alcohol into the花相 hands and massage the pressed parts男藍 of patients evenly, the purpose of p個購romoting local blood circu老到lation and preventing bedsore formatio她市n can be achieved. &n老嗎bsp;25% - 50% alcohol can be used f店關or physical antipyretic. Hig章在h fever patients can u務多se it to wipe the body計弟, to achieve the purp和關ose of cooling. Wiping t森筆he skin with alcohol can dil金知ate the blood vessels of the skin白司, increase the heat dissipa件光tion capacity of the skin, evaporate an中場d absorb heat with alcohol, reduce話呢 the surface tempera讀窗ture of the diseased body, a是金nd relieve the symptom機文s
Note: alcohol concentration should又刀 not be too high, otherwi動議se it may irritate the skin and ab但上sorb a lot of water from the epidermis車南.
Beverage products
Ethanol is the main component鐘日 of wine (the content is r厭相elated to the type of wine).
Note: the alcohol in the da報山ily drinking wine is 刀短not the alcohol added, but the alco知睡hol obtained by microbial草高 fermentation. Of course, according to舞現 the types of microorganisms 如答used, there will be acetic acid or s討知ugar and other related sub購慢stances.
Organic materials
Ethanol is also a ba筆司sic organic chemical raw放慢 material. It can be 地術used to produce acetal明笑dehyde, ether, ethyl acetate, ethylamin鐵城e and other chemical raw materials. I照靜t is also used to produce solvents, dye火行s, coatings, detergents and othe務輛r products.
Automobile fuel
Ethanol can be used as aut但多omobile fuel or mixed鄉東 with gasoline as mixed fuel.
Yajin sweet sorghum eth哥房anol accounts for 10% of gasoline 雜內in China. Ethanol gasoline h喝志as been sold in the United States for 雨兵more than 20 years.
Storage Condition
This product should be sealed i時校n a cool and dry place. I議路t can be stored in soft steel or alu離人minum containers.
Store in a cool, ventilated warehou舞去se. Keep away from fire 要知and heat source. The stor錯金age temperature should not excee風那d 30 ℃. Keep the conta影白iner sealed. It should 輛唱be stored separately f河業rom oxidants, acids, alkali met哥票als, amines, etc. Explosion proof l媽舊ighting and ventilation facilities a在他re adopted. It is forbidden to use裡身 mechanical equipment北讀 and tools that are e小藍asy to produce sparks. The storage area就謝 shall be equipped with le離要akage emergency treat我雜ment equipment and suitab不暗le storage materials.